How Should Police and Private Security Firms Work Together

Partnerships between law enforcement and private security agencies now allow communities to optimise scarce resources while effectively working together to combat threats to public safety. With the rise of private security firms and a decrease in the number of police on our streets, it’s important to know the differences in both operations and how they could possibly work together to create a safer environment for all of our communities. 

Police officers are very important within a community but sometimes a private security firm can provide support, that the Police simply cannot. Private security personnel generally work for a private company that handles their own dispatching, training and recruiting. For example, Blue Light Group can provide, but are not limited to 24/7 security at building sites, security at community events, security in shopping centres, concierge in serviced offices or private apartment buildings, reactive maintenance, door supervisors at licensed premises, boarding up services, in-home security for private clients and also security patrols. 

Some similarities of private security and public policing are that both hire men and women and both are required to wear uniforms.  

So, how exactly should the Police and private security firms work together? There is a great deal of information and technology sharing that could be done, so mistakes are avoided and public safety maximised. National organisations such as Pubwatch, allows door supervisors at licensed premises to work with the police and local council to promote a safer drinking environment for the community. 

Budget constraints over time have contributed to the need for private/public sector co-operation in day-to-day crime prevention and securing national security such as airports, shopping malls and more. For example, Blue Light Group offers security patrols by fully uniformed and equipped security officers either by foot or in their patrol vehicles, as the numbers of police dwindle on our streets private security is filling this gap and is required to work closely with the police. 

Police and private security firms can also work together through the use of sharing information such as CCTV footage. Private security firms can identify criminals with recorded surveillance cameras and hand this footage over to the police as material evidence. This allows the police to be able to both prevent crimes from happening and can quickly solve criminal cases. This footage could later be used as evidence in court. 

The relationship between public policing and private security firms is that they both have the goal to deter crime and look after the community. All of Blue Light Group’s projects are managed with a local focus; dealing with local crime trends, local authority policies and client-specific requirements. 

A 'citizen's arrest' is a situation that could occur when a member of a private security firm witnesses an act of committing or having just committed an offence like theft, property damage, assault, or other offences. The citizen can detain the individual until the police arrive but be warned, anyone who makes a citizen's arrest can find themselves facing possible lawsuits or criminal charges. If the wrong person is apprehended or a suspect's civil rights are violated, so in this case, we suggest it’s best to leave it to the professionals. Security guards for instance have training and understanding in this field and can hand over to the police, following the correct policies and procedures. 

Although a member of a private security firm, such a security guard can attempt a citizens arrest, they cannot commit a full search without the individual's consent and they can't carry a weapon, unlike police.


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